"How do I study the Bible? How do I know which interpretation is correct?"
The writers of the New Testament warned that this would be a difficult aspect of growing in the faith. The Apostle Peter wrote to Christians in the first century about the dangers of mishandling the Scriptures, saying:
"There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen."
- 2 Peter 3:14-18
If you have ever wondered how to start building a solid foundation on God's Word, check out our classes on
Ask the Elders
Do you have a Bible question?
The elders want to know! They prepare studied answers and present them during scheduled Q&A sessions. Join us every 5th Sunday afternoon at 2pm to hear what questions others are asking and the Bible answers for them.
Submit YOUR question here so they can study it out and present it in an upcoming session!
World Bible School guides you through studies. If you're local, they put you in touch with us so we can be supportive through your study.
Learn how to effectively practice personal evangelism so you can reach the lost and conduct studies effectively.
Remember, you are probably not going to convert someone exclusively over the internet, eventually there must be personal interaction. These tools are intended to help you to connect with people and to share info about specific subjects with people you already know.
Hidden Dangers & Building Skills
Pitfalls sometimes seem inevitable...but are they?
Check out the lessons below highlighting hidden dangers that can derail personal spiritual growth, followed by skill-building courses on how to navigate them!
External links
There are a number of great resources in the brotherhood that we would like to make available to you. Below you will find preaching schools, other congregations in the area, or resources for learning more about the Bible. Enjoy!
The Bear Valley Bible Institute Denver
BVBID is an excellent school for those looking to become preachers. Their site has many resources including the "Chapel Cast" of their daily chapel sessions at the school.
Tennessee Bible College
A two Year school of the Bible at which students are equipped for serving the Lord's church, whether in the capacity of a preacher, teacher, or Christian worker.
Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies
Since 1971, the East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions has been training faithful men to go into the world and preach the gospel. The East Tennessee School o Preaching is now known as the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies
World Video Bible School
Are you looking for Christ centered literature, videos, tracts or other resources? Then WVBS is a good place to look.
Focus Press
Publishers of "Think" Magazine as well as many other excellent resources for the church.
Apologetics Press
Great resource for Christian evidences, science and the Bible, as well as many other topics!
Gospel Advocate
Publishers of the Gospel Advocate magazine as well as many other resources for the church.
In Search of the Lord's Way
A free resource for weekly sermon videos and evangelistic flyers, conveniently all their resources are free.
Also If you like listening to acapella music in your spare time, or want to learn a new song, In Search of the Lord's Way has a large collection of acapella songs to listen to on thier website, Click Here to be directed to thier music page.
Northeastern Christian Net E-Magazine
Compiled by Preacher in New England for Christians in New England, this quarterly e-zine is aimed at helping the church in New England grow!
The Gospel Minutes
Do you have questions about any aspect of the church? These great articles strive to answer common questions.
Manchester church of Christ, Manchester NH.
The Manchester congregation's website is a great resource for Christians in New England. One of the resources they provide is a list of all of the Congregations in New England.