Ladies Days by Year
Ladies Day - Saturday, May 7, 2022
Theme: Flourish In Righteousness at any age!
Speaker: Cindy Colley

Ladies Day, May 18, 2019
Theme: "Trusting God's Timing, Purpose and Plans" - John 11
Speaker: Brenda Birckoltz
Brenda's Lesson will teach that the difficult things that happen in life are allowed by God to deepen our faith in Him, provide opportunities for others to deepen their faith in Him and to bring glory to God.

Ladies Day, May 12, 2018
Theme: Evangelism
Nicole and her husband, Rob Whitacre, are very active in Personal Evangelism in their congregation. They have given seminars throughout the brotherhood on bringing the lost to Christ. Please join us as we are encouraged to fulfill Matthew 28:18 and Mark 16:16.

Select a monthly sermon series below to see the list of topics from this theme.
Watch the video, listen to the audio, or download it to listen on the go!

Ladies Day, April 8, 2017
"Making the Most of My Time for God"
Do you ever long for the "good old days" Do you feel like you can never keep up, catch up or make up for lost time?
Are you having trouble prioritizing your time? Standing before Christ, each of us will give an account for our brief time here on earth. These lessons cover how to manage our time in a way that pleases God.
Kathy Pollard (Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, CO) brought us two lessons focused on the using our time for God.