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  • I'm new. Which class is for me?
    The New Christians class is an ongoing class that rotates through a series of foundational concepts of the faith. No matter when you start, you can jump in right where you are and you won’t miss anything. Sunday mornings during the Bible class hour this group meets in the office. We also highly encourage people to go through the online course we posted on Biblical Exegesis: How to Study the Bible. You can find this on our website: If you're not new to the faith, but you're new to the area, we want to welcome you! Please visit on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, and join us in the auditorium for the adult class as we go through books of the Bible or topical studies, depending on the quarter. We look forward to meeting you!
  • What classes are offered for kids?
    For the Bible class hour, we have a class downstairs for babies 6 - 18 months old in the cradle roll room (nearest the door), and one for toddlers/preschoolers (nearest the stairs). At the end of class, collect your littles from their classrooms and lead them back upstairs for the worship service. K-2nd Grade have a Bible class that meets just past the staircase on the main level. 3rd - 7th Grade meet in 2nd classroom on the 2nd Level (upstairs, to the right, just past the bathroom). Please encourage your kids to use the facilities beforehand to minimize getting up and leaving the room during class.
  • Why "place membership?"
    The New Testament teaches that the Lord Himself adds a person to His church when they are saved (Acts 2:47). So why would someone need to "identify as a member" of a specific congregation? This question is very understandable. There is no one Bible verse that says, “Identify as a member of your local congregation,” or, “Place membership with your local congregation.” However, there are several passages that demonstrate it is the elders’ responsibility to know who identifies as part of the specific flock over whom they are shepherds and overseers (1 Peter 5:1-3, Acts 20)   In today’s age of easy, long-distance travel, some Christians simply roam between congregations for worship without submitting themselves to the leadership of elders, which is not biblical. As individual Christians, we are responsible for acknowledging and submitting to the leadership of the elders in our local congregation (1 Peter 5:5). The elders are to shepherd and look after the souls who in their care. This is an impossible task unless they ask people individually, “Are you committed to working alongside us in THIS congregation of the Lord’s body?” Thus, it is vital for members of the local congregation to open up and commit to building a relationship with their elders, fulfilling the command to submit to their leadership and oversight. These men are committed to humbly serving Christ by serving those in their care. We are to let them do so with joy, by demonstrating an attitude of humility toward them as well (Heb. 13:17). If you have any questions, please reach out and let us know!

Who We Are


We are a congregation of the Lord's church which holds the Bible in the highest regard, striving to follow Jesus' teaching to show His love to those around us. This means we do not hold any human creeds of doctrines as our standard, but instead look directly to the source - the Bible.


Our congregation is made up of people from all walks of life, which includes families with young children, teens, young adults, and seniors who all work together in unity. We reach out to those around us because we believe that Christ can make a difference in others the way He has made a difference in our lives!  


Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.  He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. (John 14:23-24, NKJV)

church services

The foundation of all our beliefs is the Bible. It is the basis for everything we do.

We are a congregation of Christians.

God's Word, the Bible

God loves kids - and so do we! We know it can be a daunting task, but here are some helpful tips for what to expect, as well as some ways to create a love of worship in your kids!

Teaching and Preaching


   While history is full of great teachers, we do not claim allegiance to the doctrine of any human teacher as our foundation. The things written in the Bible were

  • written down over a span of 1,600 years, 

  • not invented by the men who wrote them down,

  • rather they were given, by God, through inspiration.

These inspired men from  different time periods carefully wrote the word of God. Many traditions formed after the Bible was written, but we strive to filter out those human traditions and simply use the Bible.

   The qualified men of the Lakes Region congregation take turns in the responsibility of preaching and teaching God's word. All of our lessons are focused on the content of God's Word, and we aim to be true to God's intended meaning. While we may sometimes use additional study tools, we always evaluate them first for consistency with the teachings of the Bible. Please let us know if you have questions!


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More about the Lakes Region church of Christ


10 am Bible classes

11 am Worship service

2 pm Afternoon worship servic

7 pm Bible study and devotional

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